What is happening to our world?

There is nothing normal about the new normal.

All around the world we see chaos developing. Countries going to war with other countries.

We see people being enslaved and trafficked. One moment we have global warming, the next we have climate change as weather patterns around the world become unpredictable and unstable. Famines and water shortages, financial markets are up and then down, democracies & leaders behaving like dictators.

Where is this heading and what of our future and the future for the next generation?

In this series of presentations, you will find ASSURANCE

Global explorer, Historian & TV Presenter

Gary Kent, host from The Incredible Journey, is known for chasing the truth no matter where it takes him around the world and making documentaries. He is an avid researcher of history and has many a story to tell.

You will be fascinated by the facts, the trivia and meaning behind events and places. Join Gary Kent in Dundas this September in a series of live presentations. We are sure you will enjoy the experience.


As seen on the following channels and platforms


Come on a Journey...

Past / Present / Future

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana

By travelling back in time, we can gain an insight as to what is happening around us now. There are prophecies which describe exactly what we see today. Then there is prophecy that describes what will take place in the future.
With this understanding, we can replace uncertainty with inner peace and a plan for a better future.

In a world of uncertainty, assurance can still be gained. Gary Kent will share history, experience & scripture that will give you absolute assurance.

September Program

  • 1st Sept Friday @6:30pm –  Mayans, Mystics & Messengers – Ancient Prophecies
  • 2nd Sept Saturday @7pm – The Treasure of Caves – Dead Sea Scrolls
  • 3rd Sept Sunday @7pm – Who Will Control The World?
  • 5th Sept Tuesday @7pm – Signs Of Christ’s Return
  • 6th Sept Wednesday @ 7pm – War Zone & The Great Controversy
  • 8th Sept Friday @7pm – The Mystery Man of Bible Prophecy
  • 9th Sept Saturday @7pm – Is Jesus Real?
  • 10th Sept Sunday @7pm – 7 Steps to Spiritual Freedom
  • 12th Sept Tuesday @7pm – Search For The Ark Of The Covenant
  • 13th Sept Wednesday @7pm – Rest for the Soul

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